Carlsbad Family Medicine, A Professional Corporation
2808 Roosevelt St., Ste 100
Carlsbad, CA 92008
858-255-1595 (NEW Message Line)
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Patient Education


[NOTE:  The following are patient education handouts that Dr. Pearson has written and used in his office over the past years. Some may require minor updating and this will be done in the near future.]

How to Choose a Physician
Treatment of Acute Injuries
Weight Loss and Fitness

Hormone Replacement Therapy (for men and women)

Powerpoint slide presentation: HRT lecture_(.pdf format)

Patient education handout: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): A fresh look.

Adult Fun: it's all about the lube...

THC? CBD? A physician's introductory guide to medicinal cannabis.     

Quitting Tobacco

Sun & Hot Weather

Practical Ergonomics: articles on the prevention of injuries in the workplace.
How to perform my favorite "desk jockey" neck stretch. (PDF format; large download at about 7 MB).
Dizziness (A quick and easy trick to try for vertigo-type dizziness only.)
Common everyday headaches. [NEW! Click here for PowerPoint Presentation on  how to try and relieve your own occipital headaches. (large download:11 MB)]
Influenza Facts (including flu shots)
How to use asthma inhalers (links to
What athletes need to know. This is a copy of the patient education handout (PDF format) that I give out during pre-participation sports physicals.


Lecture Notes/Slides and Articles for Physicians

Putting Magic Back Into Medicine  887 KB
A Sports Medicine Physician’s Guide to Understanding the Workers’ Compensation System.           6.64 MB
A Sports Medicine Approach to Overuse Injuries in the Workplace. 5945 KB
My Get Up and Go Has Got Up and Gone.1652 KB

These files are in Microsoft PowerPoint format and were presented as double-slide projector talks. If you do not have MS PowerPoint on your system, you can download a viewer (Windows version) from the Microsoft downloads site ( Click on "Office and Home Applications" and type "viewer" in the optional "keyword" dialog box, then hit "search" and click on the appropriate viewer file to download.

Clicking on one of the selected files above should permit you to open the presentation with MS PowerPoint.  Select "Notes View" to view the lecture notes (when available) that accompany the slides.

If the presentation file opens in your browser, rather than with MS PowerPoint, try the following in order to view the notes:

1.  Click on the hyperlink.  This will open the file and a copy will be saved in your Temporary Internet Files folder (Usually found in your C:\Windows Directory). [If you're not sure how to find this, simply click on the "Start" button, hit "Find," then click on "Files."  Enter the name of the file and hit "Find file."]

2.  You can open the file from here or you can save it to another directory for future reference.  Click on Notes View. Voila!

Tips for using Dragon NaturallySpeaking computer transcription program:

Review of Dragon Medical version 8: pre-edited version that was ultimately published in Medical Economics magazine (Oct 2005); Includes "The Rainbow Passage" with instructions. (.doc format)